Friday, 8 October 2010


Lots and lots of changes!

Let's see....

R's turned 34 (whoops, missed a birthday post)
I've turned 26
R's quit his job...
...and started tutoring full time
And most exciting of all!

We're moving!

Our landlady is selling our flat, so we decided to take a look and see what kind of flats we could see.  Well, we found one we liked, and places are going like hotcakes so the next day we gave them a deposit and we move in on the 29th!

We're super busy this month with the half marathon (Sunday), ballet tickets (happy birthday to me, from R!), and R's folks coming to visit on their way home from France, not to mention the gazillion baby blankets I have left to make for friends.  But I'm seriously looking forward to sorting out our stuff and getting moved into this nice, clean, fresh, spacious, purpose-built flat.  Did I mention it has a fire place?  I GET TO HANG STOCKINGS!!!

Only downside is we'll probably be too busy to do anything fun for Halloween.  Do you have any fun plans?

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