Monday, 17 May 2010

Getting into the groove

It's been a busy old month for me!  We went to LA, got stranded in LA, flew back from LA and are now just about over our jet lag.  Just in time to get stuck into my triathlon training (well, 3 weeks behind, but who's really counting?)

We landed back in the UK on 6th May (in time for R to vote) and I was back in the gym on Friday.  I'm in the middle of a 16 week training plan, and I knew that week 4 would make or break my training.  I swam/ran/cycled a little in LA, but I know I need to get serious this year.  Last year, I skimped on my training and it had a huge effect on my performance.  This year, I want to stick to at least 90% of my plan.  And last week (week 4), I stuck 100%.  Start as you mean to go on!

So today I've got a 58min cycle scheduled (still indoors as I need to get my bike sorted) plus some weights for added strength training.  I ate like a fiend in LA, so have added a few extra lbs (but oh so worth it!).  But now I'm ready to get back into my healthy eating routine, too.  I normally eat pretty healthy, but before we went to LA, I was doing really well eating strictly during the week, with absolute freedom on the weekends.  I'm back into it, and it feels good.  I also need to up my protein intake, but I'm looking for more non-meat ways to do this, including beans and pulses.

Was anyone else affected by the volcanic ash (who is still erupting!)?

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